Am I In An Abusive Relationship?
Restricting Freedoms:
Tells you that you can not do something
Jealous about who you see
Monitors your time, makes you account for where you were
Does not allow you to leave the house
Makes it difficult for you to get a job
Restricts your use of the car
Tries to prevent you from contacting family
Alienates you from family and friends
Turns children against you
Keeps you from getting medical care
Withholds affection to punish you
Tries to turn people against you
Makes you account for all of the money that you spend
Keeps you short of money
Makes you ask for basic necessities
Undermines your attempts to improve your education
Undermines your attempts to get or keep a job
Controls the money
Makes you ask for money
Refuses to give you money
Makes all major decisions about money without consulting you
Spends money only on things they wants
Threatens to:
Turn people against you
Leave the relationship
See someone else
Take children away from you
Leave you short of money
Come after you if you leave
Have you committed to an institution
Hurt or kill you and/or the children
Hurt or kill himself/herself
Blames you for their problems
Drives the car in a frightening way
Have someone else kill you, your family, your friends etc.
Throws something at you
Pushes, grabs or shoves you
Pulls your hair
Twists your arm
Pins you to the wall, floor, bed
Chokes you
Kicks, hits or punches you
Hits, or tries to hit you with something
Threatens you with a knife, gun or other weapon
Tries to run you down with the car
Physically and/or sexually abuses the children
Kills pets
Deprives you of sleep
Says things to spite or insult you in front of others
Puts down your physical appearance
Behaves as though you are stupid
Criticizes your care of children/home
Calls you names and swears at you
Tells you you are crazy/irrational
Accuses you of having an affair
Ridicules family or friends
Does not show concern for children's needs or concerns
Gets angry when children cry or make demands
Goes through personal things ie: purse, drawers, pockets
Frightens children's friends so they stop coming over
Withholds sex to punish you
Pressures you to have sex
Forces you to have sex against your will
Pressures you to have sex after being abused
Pressures or forces you into unwanted sex acts
Treats you like a sex object
Inflicts pain on you during sex
Shows this by:
Changing their mood suddenly
Giving you the silent treatment
Demonstrating anger
Shouting or yelling
Pounding fist on table
Hitting the wall
Throwing or kicking something
Stomping out of the room/house
Demands obedience like you were a servant
Makes decisions without your input
Treats you like you were inferior
Tells you that you can't cope without them
Treats you like a child
If you answered “yes’ to any of the red-flags above, you may want to further examine your relationship. A great way to start is by calling our 24 hour hotline at 613-332-3010.
You can call any time of day, and we will always be here to listen, offer support, and be non-judgemental.